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Kurt Anderson- Zone 1

Northern Doña Ana

Kurt Anderson is a retired NMSU Astronomy Professor with a long-time interest in sustainable water use in our region.  He has lived in Doña Ana County for over forty years, and serves on the board of the Doña Ana Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association and on the Steering Committee of the Lower Rio Grande Regional Water Planning Committee.  He has also served on the board of the New Mexico Rural Water Association. 

Kurt has been a member of the Sierra Club for almost fifty years, and he has been a strong supporter of the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument. He is currently president of the Southern New Mexico Natural History Foundation and New Mexico Geothermal, LLC.


"In times of continuing drought the role of the Soil and Water Conservation District in conserving our surface waters becomes increasingly important. Collected rainfall and captured floodwaters should be put to use to the benefit of our local environment and regional agriculture."  

575- 635-7871

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