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Many of us turned out a year ago to vote against a tax hike to provide funding for the Doña Ana Soil and Water Conservation District -- which at that point had spent most of its time passing resolutions (Click here to see these resolutions) against the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, opposing wildlife recovery in the Southwest, and opposing regional planning for sustainable development.  


It doesn't have to be that way.  

Many Soil and Water Districts throughout the country are actively involved in natural resource conservation activities, and our local District, if thoughtfully administered, could play a key role in water conservation, climate mitigation and flood control.  The results of this election can have a major impact on the future of our county.  

At-large position


Roger J. Beck is a former professor of Agricultural Economics with more than 35 years experience in sustainable economic development and long-term management of land and water resources.  He has served, in cooperation with New Mexico State University, as project director of a major international water and agriculture development project and has been a consultant for a wide variety of clients, both public and private, on food production systems, economic impact analysis, and land and water economics.

Roger has conducted studies for the Nature Conservancy and the US Fish and

Wildlife Service, and worked with the United Nations to develop a University 

Network for Sustainable Local Development.  He is especially interested in promoting the general welfare of the people of Don Ana County by conserving and developing our natural resources.


Zone 1- Northern Doña Ana County


Kurt Anderson is a retired NMSU Astronomy Professor with a long-time interest in sustainable water use in our region.  He has lived in Doña Ana County for over forty years, and serves on the board of the Doña Ana Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association and on the Steering Committee of the Lower Rio Grande Regional Water Planning Committee.  He has also served on the board of the New Mexico Rural Water Association.

Kurt has been a member of the Sierra Club for almost fifty years, and he has been a strong supporter of the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument. He is currently president of the Southern New Mexico Natural History Foundation and New Mexico Geothermal, LLC.  

575- 635-7871

Zone 2- Southwest Doña Ana County


Sally Williams is a retired executive from Southern California Edison who now lives in Mesilla, where she owns a small alfalfa farm.  She is especially interested in developing a long-term sustainable relationship between agriculture and domestic water use in Southern New Mexico.  While working as a utility executive she established an apprentice program for at-risk high school students and was honored as Woman of the Year by the Southern California branch of the YWCA.

Sally is a former board member of the Southwest Environmental Center and a supporting member of the Museum of New Mexico Foundation and the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance.  She is the architect of a school energy conservation program still used in the State of California, and is committed to addressing the challenge of climate change at the local, national and international level.


Voting Matters!

Any Doña Ana County voter (except for those in the Hatch, Rincon and Salem area) can vote for Roger Beck as the at large supervisor.


Please look at the map to see if you can vote for Kurt Anderson in Zone 1 and Sally Williams in Zone 2 as well. 


This will be a small turn out election, so every vote makes a difference!  


Get Social with us!


Help us spread the word about bringing in candidates who will work for all of us to create a sustainable future through an agency with lofty goals, but a poor track record. Share this site with your friends through email, social media, and word of mouth.

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Get more involved

If you're interested in seeing the Doña Ana Soil and Water Conservation District become a real force for sustainability and responsbile management please consider leaving your contact information so that our candidates can reach out to you. 


Click here for our contact info page:

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